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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is time always taken into account when calculating the score?
On this platform, time is used to tally your score in questionnaires, but not to rank students. At levels beginner and intermediate, time isn't used to determine your score. It is only counted in terms of the number of right answers. At levels proficient, advanced and expert, the time is displayed and used to calculate the score so the platform can advance faster.

What is a group?
A group allows educators to monitor learner progress. They can view the latest activity, answers to questions and each learner's overall digital competency.

How to join a group
When you create a group, a unique code is generated that must be shared with learners so they can join it. On the My account tab, click on My groups, and then Join a group. They must then enter the group's unique code and consent to sharing information with the group owner(s).

A question contains an error. What can I do?
After answering the question and reaching the feedback page, click on Contact Us at the bottom of the page.

Why is there a Learner tab and a Teacher tab on my dashboard?
Teachers and trainers have an account with two sections: section learner is a private space where they can develop their own digital competency. Section teacher suggests questions focused on teaching techniques and methods for helping learners develop their digital competency.

Why must I choose a grade level for my teacher account?
The grade level selected allows the platform to offer you questions relevant to your teaching context. Learners can select their grade level and will be provided level-appropriate questions. Learners in any grade can join your group. A group can consist of learners from different grades or even different teaching levels.

I teach at different grade levels. Which level should I sign up for?
For teachers and trainers who teach at different grade levels, including adult education, you can create an account at the level you think is most appropriate. The platform will offer questions relevant to the teaching context based on the grade level selected, but the questions are aimed at the general development of teaching practises associated with digital competence. This means that questions are not solely relevant to people at a specific grade level. Your learners create an account based on their own grade level.

I am a preschool teacher. Why is my teaching level not on the registration form?
This platform is intended for learners of all levels, from elementary school onwards. This is due to the format of the questions, which learners need to be able to read on their own. Since the platform offers teachers personalized questions based on the teaching level they select, the Preschool option was excluded from the registration form. We will soon add a Preschool option to the teacher profile, but the questions on the platform will still be related to questions at the elementary school level and are more appropriate for Grade 3 and up.

Will this platform be available for adult education (AE)?
Yes, absolutely. When signing up, you can select Adult education (AE) in the main menu.